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*Read my serialized essay, "Without End or Beginning,"

at my official blogspot page


From the time I became obsessed with Japanese author Kobo Abe -- during my time studying for a Master's degree in Japanese Literature at the University of Colorado in Boulder (U.S.) -- I began writing, almost feverishly, a number of short stories. This obsession persisted through the time I moved to Hiroshima, Japan as a teacher of Business English for two years, where I wrote my first short novel. Eventually, I ended up returning to the U.S. and attending Brown University, where I picked up a Master of Fine Arts in fiction writing before returning to Japan in 2011 to teach American Literature and English at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan before moving to Tokyo in 2019.


Although in recent years I have focused primarily on musical activities outside of teaching, rather than on writing fiction, as well as on video editing, I now also teach literature classes to students in Japan (Tokyo): both American and Japanese literature in translation (add to that a lecture course on Russian-American author Vladimir Nabokov and an Introduction to David Bowie course). Writing, literature, "talk series" in English/Japanese on my YouTube channel, cogitation (sometimes overcogitation!), and also contemplation, are now a part of my everyday. Who knows when I might write my next essay, novel, or perhaps a work of non-fiction...?

In the meantime, a small number of my short stories still remain published online, as well as two collections of short fiction that can be downloaded directly via the links provided below. As both collections have also been reviewed (some of the links are now dead, unfortunately, much to my dismay, though I am not too surprised...), I am hereby providing portals to those that can still be viewed (last updated: July 2022).

Reviews of Sui Generis and Other Fictions:

Louise Norlie review

Nathan Lea review

@ Goodreads

An interview with Marc about the "Sui Generis" collection and experimental fiction more generally 

via Cousins Reading Series (2010) can be read here.

Read online and/or download the Sui Generis collection FREE via ISMs Press



A review of Nothing Man by Nick Jackson

A link to the download page for Nothing Man: Fictions, by Marc Lowe at Apple Books is right over



A few online published stories (still in existence, amazingly!):

"Merlot" @ Big Bridge

"Anchor" @ elimae

"Emblems (or, The Incident)" @ Storyglossia


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